What To Do When Windows 11 Doesn’t Support a Processor

What to know

Press Windows + R to open the Run menu, and then type regedit and press Enter. Enter HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup.

Right-click Setup > New Key. Name it LabConfig; right-click LabConfig key > New Dword (32-bit). Name it BypassTPMCheck. Double-click Dword and set the Value data to 1.

Repeat to create two more Dword (32-bit) entries, BypassRAMCheck and BypassSecureBootCheck. Set both of their values to 1.

This guide will walk you through the steps to setup your PC with Windows 11 using the Windows Registry Editor even if you don’t have a processor that supports TPM 2.0.

read also: How to Enable Secure Boot to Install Windows 11

How to Install Windows 11 in an Unsupported Processor

You’ll need to make some adjustments to the Windows registry in order to enable Windows 11 installation on your PC even if it uses an unsupported CPU. It’s not as difficult as it might appear, but there’s risk involved. Follow the instructions precisely, and if you’re unsure, ask someone to assist you. Failing to follow the procedures precisely will ruin your Windows installation.

1. If you’ve gone to the Windows 11 download page and received the message, “This PC can’t run Windows 11,” continue on. Otherwise, follow our guide on how to install Windows 11 to complete the installation.

2. Press the Windows key+on your keyboard to open the Run menu. Type regedit and press Enter or select OK to open the Windows Registry Editor.

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3. When prompted to give administrator approval, do so.

4. In the navigation bar at the top of the windows, type in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup and press the Enter key.

5. Look for the highlighted Setup on the left-hand side. Right click and select New>Key. Name it LabConfig.

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6. Right-click or tap and hold on the LabConfig key on the left-hand menu, then select New>Dword (32-bit). Name it BypassTPMCheck. Double click or tap on the new Dword and set the Value data to 1, then select OK.

7. Repeat the above steps to create two more Dword (32-bit) entries. Name them BypassRAMCheck and BypassSecureBootCheck. Set both of their values to 1.

8. Select Back to return to the Windows 11 installation tool. Then attempt to finish the installation once more. You should now be able to continue installing Windows 11 because the warning that your CPU doesn’t support it should be gone.


How do I know if I have TPM 2.0?

Consider trying to manually enable TPM 2.0 if you’re unsure if your PC can run Windows 11 with it enabled; you never know if you might need to. To accomplish this, go into the UEFI or BIOS of your PC and search for the TPM toggle.

Do I need TPM 2.0 to install Windows 11?

Although Windows 11 used to need a CPU that supported Trusted Platform Module 2, or TPM 2.0, Microsoft no longer enforces this requirement. For the most secure and recent version of Windows 11, it is still strongly advised, but it is no longer technically essential.